1851 Colt Navy Revolver |
Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Caliber (ie, 0.36 cal), later known as the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver or navy, is a cap and ball revolver. It was designed by Samuel Colt between 1847 and 1850. It remained in production until 1873, when revolvers with fixed metallic cartridges came into widespread use. Total production numbers were exceeded only by the Colt Pocket models in concurrent development and numbered about 250,000 domestic and approximately 22,000 units produced in the Colt London Armory.
1851 Colt Navy Revolver |
1851 Colt Navy Revolver |
1851 Colt Navy Revolver |
The .36 caliber (.375 -. 380 inch) round lead ball weighs 86 grains and, with a velocity of 1000 meters per second, is similar to the modern .380 pistol cartridge in power. Loads consist of loose powder and ball or shot, metallic foil cartridges (early), and combustible paper cartridges (Civil War era), in which all combinations ignited by a fulminate detonator attached to the nipples on the back of the room.
1851 Colt Navy Revolver |
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